Graduate School
Advanced Buddhist Studies

Major in Buddhist Studies
A major in Buddhist studies involves wide-ranging research from general Buddhist studies to Buddhist concepts.
Advanced Human Studies

Major in Social Welfare
Designed for people who wish to further their understanding in human studies.
Major in Clinical Psychology
This course aims at nurturing practical ability in the field of clinical psychology while also helping to acquire qualifications as a clinical psychologist and providing additional training for professionals in the field.
Major in Human Sciences
This course aims to facilitate a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted understanding of people and human society from a broad perspective encompassing all fields of learning.
Major in Welfare and Clinical Psychology
A structured and practical approach to learning advanced and specialist human service theory and practical skills in the three fields of social welfare, clinical psychology and human sciences.
Advanced Literary Studies

Major in Religious Studies
This course is the only major in religious studies to be found in a private university in Japan. It covers theory and experimental research to nurture graduates with a solid understanding of the modern world.
Major in History
Focuses on the pursuit of comprehensive and cross-disciplinary expertise in this field in Japan and around the world.
Major in Japanese Literature
A major in Japanese literature involves research into ancient Japanese literature and a broad range of other research fields.