Halloween Jack o’ Lanterns!!
Trick or Treat! そうです。10月31日のHalloween、今年も1年生がJack o’ Lanternを作りました!! 北海道から直送のカボチャが4つ。4グループに分かれ、それぞれがデザインしたランタンをLeviの指導のもと、見事に完成させました。こうしてアメリカの文化を体験しながら学ぶことができ、幸せですね!
その模様はもうすぐ動画でご紹介できると思います。そのときは、皆さんもJack o’ Lanternの作り方と、英コミ1年生の共同作業の様子をどうぞご覧になってくださいね。
Hi Everyone,
Trick or Treat! Did you have a happy Halloween this year? The freshmen of the English Communication Course had a great time carving Jack o' Lanterns. I'm sure you've seen these carved up pumpkins on movies or in pictures, but I think most people haven't had a chance to make one. But I've noticed that in recent years, Halloween is becoming more popular in Japan.
We had four pumpkins that I ordered from a shop in Hokkaido. If you search online, I'm sure you'll find it. Students were split into four teams, each team getting to design and carve their own pumpkin. It was a great chance for students to enjoy American culture and work on their teamwork skills.
A new pumpkin carving video is on the way. Check out the next blog for a
link to youtube!